All the photos in this gallery were taken on the property or in the neighborhood.
Casa Bellamar - Exterior
West facing
profile of Casa BellamarDramatic entry to
Casa BellamarSocial Area and garage
Main entry and
waterfallMain entry and
waterfallWaterfall from above
Casa Bellamar - Social Area
Living room and dining room with bamboo cathedral ceilingDining room living roomsocial area and custom
Living room and
entertainment systemThe beautiful
kitchen and breakfast barThe beautiful
kitchen and breakfast bar
Fresh fruit on the dining table and rare Australian fern in the cornerElevator in corner of
living roomBeautiful custom designed bay window in bedroom wing
Casa Bellamar - Pool Deck
Infinity edge pool
and outdoor kitchenOutdoor kitchenPool area from jungle
Pool and covered outdoor seating area, also outdoor showerEntrance to the
infinity edge poolCovered outdoor lounge
Sunrise from infinity edge
poolSunrise at Casa Bellamar
Casa Bellamar - Green Room
Green room and
hallwayGreen room and private balcony with jungle viewGreen room and private balcony with jungle view
Green room Guest bathGreen
room Guest bath with rain head shower
Casa Bellamar - Red Room
Dramatic red
room and private balconyDramatic red
room and private balconyRed room
guest bath with rain head shower
Casa Bellamar - Blue Room
Blue room and
large private balconyBlue room and
original artworkBlue
room and private balcony with jungle view
Blue room and
original artworkBlue
room master bath with rain head shower
Casa Bellamar - Wildlife
A titi monkey in the jungle below Casa BellamarTiti monkeys
at Casa Bellamarscamper scamper
Is there
any fruit on that tree?I’m tired! I will just hang around Casa Bellamar today!A white faced monkey in the trees overlooking the pool at Casa Bellamar
A white faced monkey in the trees overlooking the pool at Casa BellamarA white faced monkey digging into a rotting tree stump looking for bugs.A white faced monkey hanging by its tail to grab a treat.
3 howler monkeys in the trees overlooking the pool at Casa BellamarFemale howler monkey with babies nearbyReady for my closeup
Howler monkey hanging by its tail eating flowers from the tree belowThe rare and beautiful mot mot in the tree beside the pool at Casa BellamarPoison dart
frog – don’t pick me up!
Casa Bellamar - Vistas
Sunrise at Casa
BellamarSunrise at Casa
Sunset at Casa
BellamarSunset at Casa
BellamarSunset at Casa
Casa Bellamar - Social Area